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Remnants of a Season

Remnants of a Season

Regular price $25.00 USD
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By Robert N. Taylor

Dominion/Ultra, 173 Pages, ISBN 978-0972029278


Robert N. Taylor was born in 1945, and grew up in a working-class neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. As a member of both the psychedelic underground as well as the anti-communist paramilitary organization The Minutemen, Taylor participated directly in the violent social upheavals of the 1960s. In 1969, he started the music group Changes with his cousin Nicholas Tesluk. After its revival in 1996, the group would go on to become a seminal part of the American apocalyptic folk genre. Taylor was also an early exponent of Germanic heathenry, or Ásatrú, in North America, and is the founder of the Wulfing Tribe. An accomplished writer and graphic artist, his ideas continue to resonate throughout the subcultural underground.

Issued on the occasion of Robert N. Taylor's seventieth birthday, Remnants of a Season is the first major retrospective of Taylor's poetry. Published as a handsome clothbound volume featuring a stamped cover, black endsheets, and archival-quality paper, the book also includes a new introduction by TYR editor Joshua Buckley, illustrations, a select bibliography of Taylor's published work, and a discography of his music. Now available in a limited edition of 500 hand-numbered copies, Remnants of a Season is sure to become a sought-after collector's item, and is a fitting tribute to a fascinating, if little-known, figure on the outer fringes of American culture.

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